Motivational Monday | My Marriage Started with a Lie
Ring exchange – photo by Michael Kareha
This is the second post of our Motivational Monday series. Motivational Monday will be YOUR chance to share unique wedding ideas or ask for advice about your wedding planning.
We want to see your progress! Use your WeddingMix app to capture photos and videos of all your planning. The footage can be included in your final WeddingMix video as a memento of your entire wedding planning journey. You can also include your videos and picture in your Motivational Monday guest blog post.
Leave a comment below if you’d like to be a guest blogger and brag about your own wedding planning progress. For now, I’m kicking it off with details from my own wedding.
What??? Starting your marriage with a lie doesn’t sound especially motivational! Last week, I told you about what I accomplished during the first week of my engagement – booking the church. And remember, I was hell bent on getting married as soon as possible. Mr. Storymix said the earliest he would get married was May or June.
May 1st fit the bill. So when the church secretary said that May 1st was available, I booked it immediately. Cue the lil’ white lie. I then told Mr. Storymix that was the ONLY date available.
Shrine of the Little Flower is a national shrine, so it’s not unusual for it to get booked far in advance. And what’s a little white lie in the interest of kicking off married life to a wonderful man as soon as possible???
We attended our pre-cana meeting with Father Brady that week. The first thing he asked, “What date did you reserve again? I don’t see it in the book. We’re wide open in May and June.”
Mr. Storymix said, “Nice. Starting off our marriage with a lie. In front of a priest. Nice.”
Ah well. He married me anyway.
Can’t wait to share more of the planning progress from our DIY wedding extravaganza! For next week, I look forward to hearing from some guest brides on our Motivational Monday. Next up will be Elizabeth – from Sweden!
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